Saturday, April 7, 2012


Good morning y'all! I know it's been awhile - guess what? My goal to go to the gym every day this past week was not accomplished. *sigh* I underestimated the time I'd need for Isla, the campaign and my office - bad time management on my part. Well, the campaign will be over Tuesday - that's voting day. But between now and then I don't have any official campaign events so I should be just fine.

As you all know, I've felt a little out of sorts since I was sick in February - haven't been eating as well as I normally do, haven't gone to gym 6 days each week like usual, etc. I've decided to take control and jump back into things with a passion starting Monday (it IS Easter this weekend after all!). To help jump back into my good eating habits, I've been looking for a healthy cleanse and finally settled on the Isagenix 9-day cleanse. Officially I'm starting the cleanse Monday, but I'm going to do two "Shake Days" today and tomorrow to get my body ready.

I've got my planner and chart up on the fridge so I'm ready to go. I'll end up with a lot of body data for you by the end of the cleanse so you'll be able to make the decision if it's something you'd like to try for yourself. This morning I weighed myself and took 14 body measurements of the following areas:

Upper Arm (L)
Upper Arm (R)
Upper Thigh (L)
Upper Thigh (R)
Calf (L)
Calf (R)
Upper Knee (L)
Upper Knee (R)

Today and tomorrow are being treated as "Shake Days" and will look like this:

Morning - drink 1-2 glasses of water when I wake up
Breakfast - mix 2 scoops of IsaLean shake with 8 oz of purified water; take 1 Natural Accelerator capsule to help jump start my metabolism
Mid-Morning Snack - 1 serving of Isagenix Snacks
Lunch - healthy, low-glycemic and balanced 400-600 calorie meal
Mid-Afternoon Snack - 1 serving of Isagenix Snacks; take 1 Natural Accelerator capsule
Dinner - mix 2 scoops of IsaLean shake with 8 oz of purified water

The Isagenix cleanse system recommends 8, 8 oz glasses of water every day. I'm going to shoot for 16, 8 oz glasses of water like I do every day. Also, the Isagenix system recommends a minimum of 20 minutes of exercise every day. Obviously on my regular FXB days, I'll have a minimum of 45 minutes of intense exercise. On Sundays I'll plan on taking Isla for a nice long walk or have a short run. This weekend is going to be a little off because we're taking Isla to Okoboji to see GG (Great-Grandma :), Grantie and Grunkel (Great Aunt and Great Uncle) for Easter. Mom, Dad, Kell Bell, her three kids, Meghan, her husband and two children are going as well. WHEW! I won't have access to a gym so I'll plan on walking a lot with Isla and the kids and playing with them at the park. Also, we'll be opening our cabin for the summer which usually involves a lot of raking, mowing and cleaning. I'm sure there will be plenty of exercise involved :)

Have a wonderful Easter weekend everyone!
John 11:25-26
"I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die."