You're supposed to read the title like the little girl in Poltergeist :) Okay, so a lot has happened since I last posted. Remember that juice fast idea? Well, Luke mentioned that it probably wasn't the best time to try a juice fast when I was feeling so sick. So that only lasted for one day - it's a good thing too! By last Wednesday evening I was so sick I had a hard time even sitting or laying down comfortably - my bones were so sore! I finally went into Acute Care. Normally, I hate going into the doctor as an adult because nine times out of ten you're basically told to suck it up and take some OTC meds. Well, apparently I looked as crappy as I felt because the doctor on duty did a chest XRAY and blood panel. Turns out....ready for this? I had BOTH viral pneumonia AND influenza A. Woo hoo! UGH. No wonder I felt so awful. I missed FXB from last Tuesday through yesterday - one full week! My office was closed all last week as well.
Well, I've been back at work all this week so far, but hadn't tried FXB until this morning. I sucked it up and went to kickboxing and boy, am I glad I did! A couple of my friends at class noticed that I was paler than usual when doing the workout, but overall I think I did great. I'm pretty sure the paleness was simply because my breathing capacity isn't back to normal yet (I guess on XRAY my lungs looked really bad last week) so my muscles weren't getting as much oxygen as they probably needed/wanted. The important thing is that I really worked my butt off this morning and feel ten times better because of it. I just wish I hadn't had to take a week off. After this Saturday, there are only two more weeks left of the 10 week FXB challenge! Time has gone by so fast.
Oh, and in Sioux Falls City Council news, I picked a logo for my campaign:
What do you think? I'm pretty stoked about it :) I've already been quoted in the local newspaper on the issues I think are important - granted I was still reeling with pneumonia and influenza at the time so during the phone interview with the paper I was pretty stuffed up - I think I sounded okay though - not too crazy anyway :)
Have a great day everyone!
I'm glad that you are on the mend:-) LOVE the logo and it needs fabulous common sense from you!!! You are going to rock it out lady!