Monday, January 9, 2012

Bouncing Calamity

I'm ALIVE! My first kickboxing class is done.  My face is slightly purple, my left quad is on fire and I'm sucking down a thicker than usual protein shake because I didn't put in enough POM juice to thin it out.  Isla's in the background smiling at me with her two beautiful teeth prominently displayed and I'm loving life.  This morning really kicked my butt! My punching bag partner was my coach, Don. I always try to do 100% in each of my workouts, but Don was great at egging me on to give a little more. With around ten minutes left in the workout, I had to take a short time out because I was certain I was going to throw up right there in front of everyone.  I didn't - thank the good Lord - but it reminded me about one area of my body that I'm more than ready to get back into fighting shape: my freakin' BOOBS! I'm naturally a small "D" cup, but currently I'm wearing a "DD." Thanks to my overly expanded chestal region, I have to wear a sports bra that is so tight I have a hard time taking deep breaths (this is to keep the jiggle to a minimum). Unfortunately, the feeling that I was going to throw up was really a bad case of being light-headed from sucking in short, insufficient breaths while working my tail feathers off. I can't wait until these bad boys settle back into their natural size.


  1. My sweet busty cousin.. might I suggest the "moving comfort" brand sports bra. Specifically the Juno. Changed my life... no, really!

  2. Ah cuz! You are the original "bouncing calamity." :) That's the one I just got! No joke - seriously, great minds :) It's the first sports bra I've ever LOVED. Remember the days when we'd have to wear 2 and sometimes 3 bras? NO MORE!!
