Sunday, January 8, 2012

Testing - Phase I

Holy smokes campers! I am OUT OF SHAPE!! But that's okay - my goal is to blow my Phase I testing results out of the water by week 5. Yesterday morning was actually a pretty fun and exciting time. There were around 100 new FXB students of varying weights, shapes, etc. Apparently our oldest student is in their 70's and the youngest student is 14. I was surprised at how many people were there that were extremely overweight - people that would not have been out of place as contestants on The Biggest Loser. I'm really impressed and inspired that those people are taking the class as well. Here I was worried about how out of shape I was going to be compared to the old me and these people have the courage to get out there and kick butt at much larger sizes and with much less experience working out. That's pretty cool in my book. Almost everyone there yesterday seemed really excited about the start of the 10 weeks. Sure there were some self-deprecating remarks and grimaces at some of the different stations (body fat measurements, body measurements, v-sit, push-ups, sit-ups, etc.) but there was excitement and hope in the air. Everyone was split up into groups and assigned to different coaches. The coaches aren't the ones that will be running the classes, but are former and current students that will participate during our chosen workout time and be available to answer questions and provide inspiration, etc. I was assigned to two coaches actually - a father/daughter team: Don and April. They seem genuinely interested in being there for our little group (I think our group is around 6 people).

In a perfect, voyeuristic world, I would tell you what my times, weight, measurements and results were. TOO BAD! Some things are sacred :) I will keep this blog informed of my success; i.e. how many inches and pounds I lose, how many more sit-ups and push-ups I can do, etc. If you're REALLY lucky, I'll post my after picture at the end of 10 weeks. Don't get too excited. The blogging world might not be ready for that much awesomeness. Here's a picture of my sweet boxing gloves and new pink wraps:

Necessary butt kicking apparel 
I'm not sure why this picture is so foggy-looking.  Probably because I live in South Dakota and forgot my I-Phone in my car overnight - NICE. Back in my awesome in-shape days (let's call that time The Before) I would kickbox fairly regularly and only used wraps - I've never used gloves before.  My husband already let me punch him a couple of times in his hands to get used to them.  In The Before, my knuckles would get pretty haggard looking after a while - especially in winter.  The gloves will probably keep my purty little mitts looking sexy.

Today I plan on working my kitchen and fridge over pretty hard-core; getting rid of some food, stocking up on good stuff, etc. I'm going to have Luke bring our mini-fridge to my office so I can make sure to have lots of good food on hand during my work day. I'm going old school on my diet - I used to be so disciplined. *sigh* It's easy for me to eat well when I look at food as merely fuel for my body. Since moving back to South Dakota and especially since having Isla, I became lazy in the nutrition department. In The Before I used to tell people to make sure they're not eating themselves to death one spoonful at a time. I haven't been listening to my old advice.

Each day is a chance to turn it all around - I'm excited and, more importantly, DEDICATED to finding the old Lyndsay again. Not to brag, but the old Lyndsay is pretty hot, pretty funny and generally awesome to hang out with :) Tomorrow morning at 7:00 a.m. is my first kickboxing class. I'm not too worried about tomorrow morning - excitement and adrenaline will get me through fairly easily. I'm more concerned about how I'll feel Tuesday morning when I get up for my second class. Fingers crossed everybody...

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